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Drupal 8.0.0

Друпал 8.0.0

Описание версии

Сегодня вышла первая версия Друпала 8! Вот некоторые из изменений в сравнении с Друпалом 7:

  • Встроенный текстовый редактор CKEditor
  • Улучшенное управление содержанием через объекты, поля и виды
  • Настройка страниц, форм и управлением через интерфейс сайта
  • Полная поддержка перевода и локализации
  • Управление конфигурациями для быстрого развёртывания сайтов
  • Поддержка стандарта HTML 5 (разметка кода)
  • Поддержка технологии REST (веб-сервисы)
  • Поддержка технологии WAI-ARIA (доступность инвалидам)
  • Интеграция с распространёнными библиотеками, в частности Composer, Symfony2, Guzzle и Twig
  • Улучшенное быстродействие
  • Расширенное кеширование и интеграция с CDN и реверс-прокси
  • Поддержка PHP 7, PostgreSQL и SQLite

Системные требования

Подробное описание системных требований смотрите в документации.

Дополнительная информация

Журнал изменений


- Significantly improved the front end:
    * Made all built-in themes responsive.
    * Added support for responsive images.
    * Made built-in tables responsive with three levels of column importance.
    * Added Twig as the default template engine and converted all .tpl.php
      templates and theme functions to .html.twig.
    * Removed the PHPTemplate engine.
    * Several large scale cleanups of the markup produced by Drupal.
    * Added Classy as a base theme to maintain CSS classes and wrappers.
    * Added Stable as the default base theme to maintain backwards compatibility
      for core template and CSS changes, because templates and CSS outside
      Stable can be improved in minor releases (8.1.0, 8.2.0, etc.).
    * Redesigned several key elements of the Seven theme.
    * Added support for HTML5 elements.
    * Included Backbone.js and Underscore.js JavaScript frameworks.
    * Updated to jQuery 2.1.4.
    * Updated to jQuery UI 1.11.4.
    * Removed jquery.bbq.
    * Removed the Garland theme from core.
    * Removed the Overlay module from core and replaced it with a simple,
      dynamic "Back to site" link.
    * Improved the asset library system to manage CSS and JavaScript files and
      their dependencies. Allowing for smaller AJAX request payloads.
    * jQuery is no longer loaded on all pages, only when another asset needs it.
    * No JavaScript is loaded at all for anonymous users by default, for faster
      page loads.
    * Implemented SMACSS-style categorization for CSS files.
    * Removed most support for Internet Explorer 8 and below.
    * Added Modernizr for making styling changes based on browser support.
    * All page template variables converted to blocks (title, breadcrumb,
      branding, etc).
    * Added the Breakpoint module to manage breakpoints of responsive designs.
    * Introduced native Schema.org output in pages.
    * Made use of semantic HTML 5 tags when possible. This also makes form input
      on mobile devices much easier for users.
    * Redesigned icons to look good on high resolution (retina) displays too.
- Made the site administration experience simpler:
    * Redesigned the installer.
    * Visually updated and extended the Seven (administration) theme.
    * Made the administration toolbar responsive and touch friendly.
    * Added search to the module listing and made the page easier to read.
    * Added the tour module to provide highly contextual tips for UI elements.
- Improved the entity system:
    * Added a full CRUD API for entities.
    * Improved the field API and entity query API.
    * Added support for widgets, formatters, and translation to base entity
      fields (such as labels).
    * Made view modes configurable for reusable display variants.
    * Introduced form modes for reusable form variants.
    * Added ability to handle a "default" revision that may not be the latest.
    * All content entity types (custom blocks, terms, comments, etc.), not just
      nodes, have support for revisions.
    * Database schema of content entities is automatically generated based on
      entity type and field definitions.
- Added the Typed Data system to manage complex types.
- Refactored routing system based on Symfony2 components.
- Made declarative information (libraries, permissions, routes etc.) use YAML
  files for definitions instead of PHP.
- Improved the menu handling systems:
    * Moved custom menu item handling to its own module.
    * Reworked menu links, local actions, and local tasks based upon the new
      routing system.
- Added plugin system to standardize implementation of several core APIs.
- Introduced a new configuration management system:
    * Added a centralized configuration system with export and import
    * Allowed module authors to provide configuration in a YAML file format.
    * Implemented functionality to get, set, add, and remove configuration.
    * Provided the ability to override configuration values with language
      variants and other runtime values.
    * Added configuration schema, dependencies, and validation to maintain
      data integrity between deployments and updates.
    * Support added for both global configuration and configuration entities.
- Improved authoring experience:
    * Redesigned the content creation and editing form.
    * Content preview is now displayed on the frontend.
    * Added the CKEditor WYSIWYG editor. Clean markup guaranteed thanks to tight
      integration with the filter system.
    * Made uploading, aligning, and captioning of images possible in the editor.
    * Modernized the default text formats.
    * Added a drag-and-drop configuration UI, which automatically updates the
      HTML filter settings, making configuring text formats trivial for typical
      use cases.
    * Added align and caption filters that can be applied to any element:
      images, blockquotes, code snippets, videos…
    * Made possible to in-place edit any entity: nodes, blocks…
    * Added the Text Editor module to help map other editors to text formats.
- Improved media management:
    * Added ability to configure when unused files get deleted with the option
      to keep them, useful for media libraries.
    * Added a customizable view under the content administration screen that
      lists all files uploaded on the system.
    * Made uploads immediate when selecting files in file fields.
    * Added ability to upload multiple files at once.
    * Added local image input filter, to enable secure image posting.
- Included the following Symfony2 components:
    * ClassLoader - PSR-0-compatible autoload routines.
    * DependencyInjection - Flexible dependency injection container.
    * EventDispatcher - Object-oriented lightweight event handling system.
    * HttpFoundation - Abstraction objects for HTTP requests and responses.
    * HttpKernel - Core system for managing incoming HTTP request and responses.
    * Process - Allows for executing commands in a sub-process.
    * Routing - Framework for mapping incoming requests to controller
    * Serialization - Serialize complex nested objects into JSON/XML etc.
    * Validator - Ensure that an object is in a valid state based upon some
      validation rules defined for it.
    * Yaml - Parser for YAML files.
- Added routing component from Symfony CMF.
- Added Guzzle HTTP library.
- Added Zend Feed component.
- Removed modules from core.
    * The following modules have been removed from core, because contributed
      modules with similar functionality are available:
      * Blog
      * Dashboard
      * OpenID
      * Poll
      * Profile
      * Trigger
- Removed the Statistics module's accesslog functionality and reports.
- Removed XML-RPC functionality from core.
- Removed user signatures support from core.
- Added ability to generate and validate Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs).
- Tremendously improved language support all around:
    * Great language improvements for users:
      * Improved language selection with user preference detection in the
        installer based on browser settings.
      * The installer is presented in the user's native language.
      * Moved base language support to Language module.
      * Greatly simplified the interface for setting up languages.
      * Improved browser language detection considerably.
      * Language domain and path prefix configuration simplified and
        centralized; path prefix detection is now default.
      * Added HTML 5 language markup; language information added in markup in
        several more places.
      * Made it possible to assign external language codes to local languages.
      * Introduced the possibility of an administration-specific language
        preference for users.
      * Language selection fallback language is now independently configurable
        without needing to change the site default language.
    * Simplified and added new features in interface translation:
      * Made interface translation directly accessible from the language list.
      * Centralized interface translation import to one directory.
      * Drupal can now be translated to English and English can be deleted.
      * Much improved built-in translation interface.
      * Added support for singular/plural discovery and translation.
      * Customized translations are tracked so your modifications can
        be identified and protected from translation update overwrites.
      * All Gettext files are now imported in chunks, better for low resource
      * Automated import and update of translations in the installer and later.
    * Improved content language support:
      * Made it possible to assign language to taxonomy terms, vocabularies,
        menu items, and files.
      * Added a field translation based content translation module that applies
        to all content entities.
      * Removed the old node-copy based content translation module.
      * Introduced language defaults configuration for each entity type and
      * Added entity language variance support to search module.
      * Search indexing and query preprocessors now get language information.
      * Unified content translation permission granularity with content editing
      * Made the language selector freely orderable in entity forms.
    * Better configuration language support
      * Added language selectors to most configuration options (views, menus,
      * Added a configuration translation user interface that works with any
        configuration with translatable values (blocks, views, fields, etc.).
      * Added language options to block visibility.
    * Much improved language APIs for developers:
      * Made it possible for users to have a preferred language separate from
        their user entity language.
      * The text formatter from t() is now available as FormattableMarkup.
      * Added support for interface translation contexts in Drupal.t(),
        Drupal.formatPlural() as well as routing, tabs, actions, shipped
        menu items and contextual links.
      * Removed textgroups support from interface translation in favor of
        native configuration language support.
      * Added a transliteration API. (Only used for machine names in core.)
      * Added a language fallback capability to the interface translation API.
- New field types added to core:
    * Email
    * Link
    * Telephone number
    * Entity reference
    * Date
- Made commenting more flexible:
    * Added the notion of comment types (for reviews, greetings, and so on),
      each of which can be configured with a different set of fields.
    * Made commenting a field to allow comment threads on entity types other
      than nodes.
- Added Views and Views UI module to core:
    * Added simple bulk operations functionality to Views.
    * Converted various core listings to views, including /node,
      /admin/content/node, /admin/people, and several blocks.
    * Built in REST API support.
    * Rewrote caching integration for better performance.
    * Made it possible to configure responsive tables in Views.
- Greatly improved block management:
    * Made custom blocks fieldable, revisionable, and translatable entities.
    * Added the notion of custom block types.
    * Added the ability to place the same block in multiple locations.
    * Introduced a block library with categorized blocks.
- Introduced an accessible modal API based on improvements made in collaboration
  with the jQuery UI team.
- Made it possible to add fields to contact forms allowing site-builders to
  easily build custom forms for soliciting feedback from users.
- Added a Web Services module package.
    * Added a RESTful web services provider module.
    * Added a serialization module using the Symfony serialization component.
    * Added a Hypertext Application Language (HAL) serialization module.
    * Added a HTTP Basic authentication provider module.
- Improved performance/scalability significantly:
    * Introduced cache tags, which allow content to be invalidated accurately
      and instantly, including for reverse proxies and CDNs.
    * Added cache contexts, which allow content to be cached correctly, and
      placeholdered to improve cache hit rates.
    * Implemented cacheability bubbling, which allows strict tracking of assets
      and cacheability throughout page rendering.
    * Factored out page caching to its own module and enabled it by default.
    * Added the Dynamic Page Cache module for authenticated page caching and
      enabled it by default.
    * Added APCu, memory, and PHP file caching backends to core, alongside
      support for a chained, consistent cache backend to support correctly using
      fast local cache implementations with multiple web servers.
- Removed support for MyISAM, when using MySQL.
- Testing improvements
    * Added PHPUnit for proper unit testing, see
      https://phpunit.de/manual/4.8/en/index.html so you can run tests via
      your IDE.
    * Added BrowserTestBase as an alternative to simpletest for browser
      testing (JavaScript support to be included in the future)
    * Added KernelTestBase to provide a fast API testing of integration of
      different components
    * Core branch nightly tests include PHP 5.5, 5.6, 7, sqlite and PostgreSQL.
- Added the migrate module (experimental) with support for migrating content and
  configuration from earlier Drupal versions.
- Introduced support for Composer.
- Moved the automated cron execution functionality to its own module.
- Refactored IP address based banning functionality to its own module.
- Security improvements:
    * Removed PHP filter, including the ability to use PHP for block visibility.
    * Managing fields for each entity type is now a separate permission.
    * PDO drivers other than MySQL are now limited to executing single
      statements to limit SQL injection vectors.
    * Added an autoescape API to prevent cross-site scripting in many of the
      places where Drupal outputs HTML.
    * Hardened user session and session ID handling.
    * Automated CSRF protection in route definitions.
    * Clickjacking protection enabled by default.
    * Made the core JavaScript API compatible with Content Security Policy
    * Trusted host patterns enforced for requests preventing cache and link
- Switched to semantic versioning with significant updates planned every 6
  months in 8.1, 8.2, etc.
- Numerous other important changes and additions. See
  https://www.drupal.org/list-changes/drupal for a detailed list.
- Numerous bug fixes.
- Numerous API documentation improvements.
- Additional automated test coverage.